My Green Garden

Maria Ciavarella is My Green Garden, a business that provides a local and experienced resource for talks, demonstrations and workshops on many aspects of sustainable gardening practices, especially in the area of growing food, preserving food and cooking with the bounty of the organic garden.
Presentations are to both children, young adults and older adults, through schools, libraries, Probus and other community groups, neighbourhood houses, community centres, garden clubs, festivals, shopping centres, council-funded information sessions and holiday programs. Maria of My Green Garden offers practical and relevant teacher professional development sessions which inspire and help educators help their own students. Corporate events with a difference happen when My Green Garden gets people to get their hands dirty, either in the kitchen or in the garden and are ideal for team-building.
Maria of My Green Garden started as a presenter for Bulleen Art & Garden nursery and for the not-for-profit organisation, Sustainable Gardening Australia (SGA). Since 2009, My Green Garden has given hundreds of presentations to both children and adults, through many organisations.
My Green Garden was a finalist in the 2016 Manningham Business Excellence Awards.
My Green Garden also runs classes and workshops from Maria's home and garden in Donvale, in suburban Melbourne. If you are interested in getting Maria from My Green Garden to come and present or run a workshop, please contact her via email or phone (0424 083 057).